Sunday, January 25, 2009

i'm pro-choice. yep.

before reading this: just realize that this is a debate between a good friend of mine and myself, and i'm not telling anyone that their beliefs are wrong, i'm simply challenging them. if having your views questioned is something you can't deal with, maybe you should rethink them.

booBooK1ttyfxck: why is your mom pissed?
sasafrasket: cause the whole freedom of chocie act
sasafrasket: both her and my dada are really worred about that
booBooK1ttyfxck: ..whyy..? its been the same for the past 40 years
sasafrasket: no
sasafrasket: there making it illeag for states to make up laws against abortion
sasafrasket: there changeing it real soon
booBooK1ttyfxck: oh.
sasafrasket: yeah
booBooK1ttyfxck: wellll it is kind of a national issue...not a state thing..
sasafrasket: i don't now all the deatils about but
sasafrasket: i think one o the things is you don't have to be a doctor or physition
sasafrasket: to give an abortion
booBooK1ttyfxck: oh wow thats retarded
sasafrasket: i know
sasafrasket: and alot of pharmisist have lost there jobs cause they refuse to sell the morning after pill
sasafrasket: so it's those kinds of things there really worried about
booBooK1ttyfxck: ehh the first one you mentioned i think is messed up
booBooK1ttyfxck: but i dont get whats so wrong with firing people at pharmacies that arent doing their job. that would be like if i worked at safeway and refused to sell people meat
sasafrasket: well if it's there i religon agiansted to use the morning after pill then
sasafrasket: then these people are getting feird becuase of there religon
sasafrasket: and there belfies
booBooK1ttyfxck: ...uhm. kind of. but why would someone get a job at a place that sells products that they think are wrong in the first place?
sasafrasket: i guess thats ture
sasafrasket: i still thing it's best if it remians a state deiced thing
booBooK1ttyfxck: but then like...lets say alabama makes abortions totally illegal
booBooK1ttyfxck: and a girl gets pregnant for whatever reason and has to get an abortion
booBooK1ttyfxck: but she has no way to get out of the state
sasafrasket: but if you make it leagel on a national level with no restrietions
booBooK1ttyfxck: eh well see im not totally pro-choice. i think partial birth abortions are cruel and fucked up. so i dont think there shouldnt be restrictions
booBooK1ttyfxck: i just think it's a national issue so it should be a national law
sasafrasket: it's to easy for people just sleep around and get prengranted all the time cause they can just get an abrotion
sasafrasket: if it stays a state issues
sasafrasket: it's alot easyer for states to deciced if in a case an abrotion is nessecery or not
booBooK1ttyfxck: truue.
sasafrasket: you know wait i mean
booBooK1ttyfxck: but look at it this way
booBooK1ttyfxck: laws are based on the constitution
booBooK1ttyfxck: and the 9th amendment states that people have the right to privacy and can do what they want to their bodies
booBooK1ttyfxck: roe v. wade...court case that reinforces the 9th amendment
booBooK1ttyfxck: and some states want to just say "hey fuck the constitution."
booBooK1ttyfxck: that's not due process.
booBooK1ttyfxck: that's just a bunch of people disagreeing with a law and deciding to enforce something unconstitutional on people
booBooK1ttyfxck: i get that people think abortion is wrong and they want people to not get them and to have sex more responsibly...but i dont think making laws is the way to do that
booBooK1ttyfxck: you can only change the world by changing people's minds. rant completed.
sasafrasket: yeah thats ture
sasafrasket: anyways i have to go soon
sasafrasket: i cant argue anymore
booBooK1ttyfxck: haha awwhh. i was enjoying this.
sasafrasket: wat time were you going to hang out with ambar tomarrow?
sasafrasket: ahahaha
sasafrasket: i can't argue with you over line
sasafrasket: my spellings no good
sasafrasket: i sound stupid

also, i would like to say that in a perfect world, abortion wouldn't be necessary, but we don't live in a perfect world. not even close. no one LIKES the idea of killing unborn children, i sure as hell don't, but i do believe that it should be a right to decide whether or not to get an abortion. though i think keeping a child is the more responsible thing to do, not everyone agrees with me. there are two sides to every issue, and just because everyone is pushed to one side doesn't mean they're all together in their views. i DO think abortion is wrong. i think christianity is fucked up too, but you don't see me picketing outside a church. if you don't like christianity, don't go to church. if you don't like homosexuality, don't marry someone of the same gender. and if you think abortions are wrong, don't get one.

and most importantly, don't enforce a law that's clearly unconstitutional onto people that clearly don't agree with it.

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